Camping among the Nootka lupine

Breathtaking view of Sólheimajökull glacier from our campsite among the lupines.

We spent quite a few nights camping in Iceland and without any doubt, our favourite campsite was the one among the field of lupines! It was everything we had hoped for! Continue reading “Camping among the Nootka lupine”

Camping in Iceland

Camping beside the river at the nature reserve between 2 glaciers, Hveravellir.

The accommodation for our trip was mixed between camping and Airbnb, so some nights were spent in a tent and on some nights, we slept in a bed. Even in camping, we have experienced both ‘wild’ camping, as in we looked around and picked a spot to pitch our tent, and camping on designated camp ground. So having tried the different affordable accommodation possibilities, here’s my opinion about camping in Iceland. Continue reading “Camping in Iceland”

Reykjadalur – the “Steam Valley”, Iceland

Reykjadalur: view of the valley from the hiking trail.

Reykjadalur was our last stop for the day. The Steam Valley is a well known walking trail that leads to a natural hot spring where many head to for taking a bath. The start of the trail is somewhat hidden behind the town Hveragerdi at the Hot River Cafe. Our plan had been to camp beside the hot spring for the night, however to do this, we had to carry all our camping gear and make the 3km hike. It took us probably over an hour to reach the hot spring, but it was well worth the effort.

Continue reading “Reykjadalur – the “Steam Valley”, Iceland”